Blackheath Hair & Co

Five Tips from your Stylist

Blackheath Hair & Co: Top Five Tips from Your Stylist

Tip One: Regular Visits

We recommend visits every 4-6 weeks. Regular salon visits ensure your hair remains vibrant, strengthens over time, and keeps split ends at bay.

Tip Two: Book Your Appointment well in Advance

Our slots fill up so quickly, especially during peak times. Booking in advance ensures you get your preferred time and date with the stylist of your choice, keeping your hair in great shape without any delays.

Tip Three: Self-Hair Care in Between Visits

Invest in good quality products. Your hair deserves the best, and while we provide top-notch treatments at the salon, maintaining that level of care at home is crucial. Ask us for product recommendations tailored to your hair type.

Tip Four: Photos are for Guidance Only!

At Blackheath & Co., we always strive to achieve the look you desire; however, it’s important to remember that everyone’s hair is different! Many factors, like texture, natural undertones, and your budget, influence the outcome. Sometimes, especially when transitioning from dark to light shades, achieving the desired look might require more than one visit.

Tip Five: Look After Your New Style

Once you’ve achieved your perfect look, it’s essential to maintain it. The right tools, products, and techniques will make all the difference.

Our hair is such an essential part of our identity and self-expression. When nourishing it with the right products, techniques, and love, it can shine!

Experiment and have fun with different styles – you never know what fabulous ‘might emerge!

The journey to healthy, vibrant hair is lifelong, with ups and downs. Don’t get discouraged. Committing to gentle, natural care, your hair will reward you. Its shine will come from deep within.

At Blackheath Hair & Co, we build your confidence, creativity and care as you continue on your hair journey.

See you soon!

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